Sunday, November 22, 2020

A Society At A Dead End

Give me your ears and let me commandeer your mind and then your heart. 

We all play a role in shaping events around us. Not everyone realizes this. My generation is now in a position to assume power and actually use our will to change the world. From this point forward we will influence the culture and it's policies together guiding it in a new positive direction. No more passive consumerism or oblivious citizenship. With the internet there is no excuse for ignorance and there is no room for intolerance. This is what has been dividing us. 

Barbara Ehreneich said in her 2001 book, Nickel and Dimed, "Everywhere you look, there is no alternative to mega scale corporate order from which every form of local creativity and initiative has been abolished by a distant home office. Even the woods and meadows have been stripped of disorderly life forms and forced into a uniform made of concrete. What you see - highways, parking lots, stores - is all there is, or all that's left to us here in the reign of globalized, totalized, paved over, corporate everything."

Did you know every dollar you spend is a vote of confidence in the company manufacturing or distributing the goods you buy from them? This is the essence of capitalism and not knowing this is called passive consumerism. Think about that the next time you buy anything. You aren't just buying a product. Your saying your ok what that company does. In fact each dollar represents a vote. This would be what they refer to as confidence on the news networks. Just ask Jim Cramer host of Mad Money on CNBC. 

Citizenship is a shadow of it's former self. As Americans we should be embarrassed of ourselves, especially when you reflect on the sacrifices men and women made when they founded our country. Rioting is going to solve absolutely nothing and will lead to more bullshit we all don't want. Civilized people are supposed to have healthy debates and open public conversations. "They" call this transparency. We should not wait until someone is murdered by the police to speak up or for someone else to take a stand. That mentality has lead us down this road. A society at a dead end. We should be seeking eternal national unity like George Washington wanted with no compromises.

Andy Ray Uppole is an artist from Peoria, Illinois that specializes in audio and video production, graphic design, commercial art, and creative consulting. You can contact him by calling 209.509.4120 or email him at