Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Project Remix Pekin: #remixmovement

Revival: An improvement in the condition or strength of something.

Mix: To combine or join.

Movement: Activities of a group towards a specific goal. 

    If you pay attention to the critics and the hype America is dead and needs to be revived. Fox News reported September, 6th 2020 1 in 5 American's are unemployed right now. That maybe the closest they have ever gotten to the truth. Something that stuck out to me that same day was from an article in the Peoria Journal Star that read, "We are in an investors market." I've never heard that term before, but immediately thought of the great Gatsby. 

    Gatsby would of said something like, "We can invest in America by investing in main street, old sport." Even though that statement is entirely fiction, the idea I'm about to share with you isn't. Microloans.

    Now... Micro-economics as defined by Oxford dictionary is the part of economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions. Let me give you and example. "That's $1.08 for the gum Joe." "Here's a five keep the change." "Thanks Joe! I'll get a polar pop on my break with it." "Take care Billy." "You too Joe!" 

    In my example you see exactly how micro economics works. In fact it's elegant like a ballet. What would happen if all these Wall Street sharks and wolves came right here to Pekin Illinois to Main Street and invested in us? I believe we would change the world, the face of America, and make her great again. We can do this by starting a movement. A revival in entrepreneurialism, local music, and the arts using micro-economic principles, good old fashion know how, some balls, a little education, and each other. 

    My name is Andrew but my friends call me Andy. I'm a 35 year old broke as hell serial entrepreneur, music producer, artist, creative consultant, neighbor, and most importantly a father. Over the last decade I've learned a lot about my self, and the community I live in through our trials and tribulations we shared together. My home town is on it's last legs, but I believe if we can pull together and use all of our skills as a group we could do some serious renovating. Music producers like my self call this remixing.

    When music producers remix a song they usually have some ducks in a row like multi-tracks. Which include the vocals, drums, guitar, and bass. Let's replace each of these elements with a business plan. They are used to present your ideas to banks to ask for funding, keep everyone on track with clear cut goals and expenditures, as well as outline people's jobs, give you analysis of the market and competition, plus define how you communicate to your target market like you guys. 

    Now I know that sounds complicated but I assure you it's not and I don't mind helping you along the way either. Neither does SCORE, SBA, Bradley University's Turner Center For Entrepreneurship, Private Lenders, City Council, joint venture capitalists, and other private business incubators. Think of me as your guide to Project Remix Pekin. 

    Pekin Illinois has a population of around 36,000 people of which I know around 10 percent of the younger population and we are extremely talented and driven. I have also noticed there are around two dozen or more scattered empty commercially zoned buildings and suites spreading from downtown here to the bottom of the hill in Creve Coeur and all along court street towards Tremont. They will work beautifully for brick and mortar locations like a future thrift store or a consignment shop. Maybe even a large call center like Hinduja Global Solutions in Peoria could fit in the vacant JC Penny's building. 

    Lets come together as a community and do some serious brainstorming outside of the government. (Or with) I know we will turn things around. Imagine if we started enough businesses that created 100 jobs and payed an average of $36,000-$50,000  a year to the owners and employees this would inject 3.5-5 million dollars worth of money into the local economy. What would the micro-economic mechanics look like? How would that impact the 36,000 residents?

    This is why I'm asking you to help me find the best ideas and people. I am looking for joint venture capitalists, construction workers, lenders, entrepreneurs, evangelists, artists, consultants, economists, journalists, doctors, lawyers, go getters, movers, thinkers, shakers, and doers. I need people who are willing to help produce Project Remix Pekin right now. 

    The soul goal of this project is to help our small community revitalize it's self and transition from the old manufacturing centered economy to the modern one. I believe if we can manage to do this on a small micro-scopic scale we can use what we learn here as a case study to help other larger communities revive their economies too like Peoria and eventually maybe even places like Chicago and Detroit. 

    I've worked with some of you in the past and those endeavors yielded amazing results and it has laid the foundation for what I'm proposing here, but this time it transcends music entirely. We are going to utilize all our existing talents, resources, knowledge, energy, wisdom, and team spirit for all of us and make Pekin a place every American dreams about raising children like it was when we were kids. If your with me pick up the phone right now and call 209.509.4120 and leave a message with your name, telephone number, and a description of what you bring to the table. Even volunteering your labor or time will help. Let's make this happen. I got Pekin Pride do you? Let's remix it!

Andy Ray Uppole is an artist from Peoria, Illinois that specializes in audio and video production, graphic design, commercial art, and creative consulting. You can contact him by calling 209-509-4120 or email him at subversiondesignsolutions@gmail.com 

Monday, December 28, 2020

Hell: Is God a Communist You Know What?

-Mathew 6:26 "Behold the foul's of the air for they sow not. Neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly father feedeth them. Are you much better than they?"

    The answer is the same as it was at the time of it's writing. NO The meaning of this passage from the Holy Bible held true until the industrial revolution took over with the world governments and murdered the garden of Eden. Which is all of mother earth. It was eaten by a black top and iron snake just as the Hopi and other Native American tribes predicted it would be according to the oral traditions that are still being taught on reservations in America. 

    We can no longer expect god to cloth, feed, and shelter us in modern society. We have become a plague unto ourselves. We have become a virus. 
    We have consumed all free access to natural resources under the guise of progress and civility. Just as we have domesticated the wolf which became our best friends the dog, and they the sheep. We have domesticated Eden and made it our own hell. This is very unfortunate.  
    How can we fix this? We already have soup kitchens, clothing drives, homeless shelters, and habitat for humanity. These things are a step in the right direction but not good enough. We need all of this for everyone like we learned here in Mathew 6:26. This is what God intended for everyone. He, She, OR It was a communist you know what. Right? :-) 

Andy Ray Uppole is an artist from Peoria, Illinois that specializes in audio and video production, graphic design, commercial art, and creative consulting. You can contact him by calling 209-509-4120 or email him at subversiondesignsolutions@gmail.com 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Hard Questions

     We've experienced a vicious virus, an unstable economy, widespread unemployment, cultural unrest, and political upheaval. The music industry is becoming stale along with the rest of the entertainment industry like my popcorn. Hell even James Patterson is contemplating a vampire novel these days and career suicide. It seems like they will rehash everything and anything. Apparently there are no fresh ideas out there.

    People are just plain sick. Sick of the monotony of life. Sick of the pay check to pay check. Phil Luciano, who is a journalist that writes for the Peoria Journal Star pointed out in an article sometime over the summer that someone on Facebook said, "They were sick of #blacklivesmatter and all the COVID-19 stories." I agree with Phil's feelings and think he reacted appropriately when he stated in print, "Are they sick of the discussing? Are they uncomfortable?" I'll add this to his comments. Good. I hope they are uncomfortable. This is why I exist. I'm going to make you really f@#$ing uncomfortable right now so hold on. (Please forgive my French it is only to get and retain your attention.)

    We have to move forward in our personal lives, in our relationships, as a nation, as a community, and in our walks with our higher power. We need to focus on our communities. We have to be brutally honest with ourselves. Before all this didn't we isolate, stay inside, keep to ourselves, and not say much at all anyways? Don't we wait for other people to speak up and then comment in private about it? We need to ask ourselves some hard questions and look in the mirror while doing so. 

Why work here?

Why stay?

Why live here?

Am I happy?

Am I OK with this?

Why keep my mouth shut?

    Year after calendar year, business quarter after business quarter, month after month, pay check to pay check, closing bell to closing bell, day after day, hour after hour, dollar after dollar, minute after minute, penny's on the dollar, second by second, dividends, and interest. Interesting...

    What we pay attention to controls us. I don't watch TV and I get my news from online sources only. I'm part of a movement. It doesn't have a name but I' call us TURNED OFF. Once your no longer distracted you will notice your self paying attention to other things. Focus on what you want. Not what you don't want. 

    I want to see better jobs that raise the standard of living and not put a burden on entrepreneurs by just raising the minimum wage. Before the new minimum wage was passed in Illinois it was $8.25 an hour. After January 1st it will be $11.00. What kind of standard is this still? Our small business owners should be able to pay their employees as much as it takes to live comfortably and as it sits they can't. Hell the Illinois' business climate is in such a sad shape that Caterpillar has threatened to move out of Illinois. I want to see better preventative healthcare that utilizes mass screenings for parasites across the board, because they effect tests doctors do for major diseases and cause misdiagnosis. I want to see free access to feminine hygiene products along with raising the standards already put in place with planned parenthood. I want to see more access to subsidized housing for single, full, and part-time dads. I want to see reduced restrictions on renting property to felons like me. I want to see free college education up to an associates degree. I want to see the Demarcates and Republicans quit arguing about AR-15's with the NRA and arguing in general (the debate should be over.) I want to see law enforcement reform by mandating body cams nationwide (among other things.) I want to see decriminalization of all scheduled substances and we can start right now by passing a city ordinance which will decrease government burden to house inmates and pay subsidies on them which will in turn increase the labor pool and alleviate city, state, and federal budgets. I want to see implementation of a nation wide drug court program in each state like the state of Illinois has. It helped me fine my self and saved my life. I used to be an intravenous daily heroin user and now have 12 years clean from it. I want to see a return to manual voting or something more tamper proof. I want to see more representation from our districts. I want to see more concerned citizens participating in government (this is why I am writing this.) I want to see fiscal transparency (we need to know what every dime is used for.) I want to see legal transparency (FOIA on steroids and Tazewell has this.) Last but not least. I want to see Edward Snowden come home. I want to see Julian Assange set free. I want to see John McAfee set free and his charges dismissed. These men are hero's and should be treated as such. They're not America's enemy. America is America's enemy.

    My generation demands change. I demand my generation participate in that change and change it's self in the process. I no longer want people to see my generation as a group of ______.  

Andy Ray Uppole is an artist from Peoria, Illinois that specializes in audio and video production, graphic design, commercial art, and creative consulting. You can contact him by calling 209.509.4120 or email him at subversiondesignsolutions@gmail.com

Here is a list of sources:  

Minimum Wage Increase Hurts Small Business https://www.nfib.com/video/minimum-wage-increase-hurts-small-business-nfib-your-bottom-line/

Emerging Need For ParasitologyEducation https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3110372/      

The State of Period Poverty https://www.nursing.upenn.edu/live/news/1545-the-state-of-period-poverty-in-the-us 

Feminine Hygiene Market Report 2020 Share https://apnews.com/press-release/pr-wiredrelease/5966bd78d30b05c6a4faaa73a56c342a#:~:text=Looking%20forward%2C%20the%20market%20is,period%20(2020%2D2025).&text=Market%20Summary%3A,holding%20the%20largest%20market%20share.

Can Felons Rent Apartments In Illinois https://pocketsense.com/can-felons-rent-apartments-illinois-12015876.html (In Pekin Illinois where I live Monge owns nearly 90% of all apartment rental property or manages it and ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT RENT TO FELONS. This contributes to the homeless rate here among other factors.)

Public Housing For Felons https://helpforfelons.org/information-public-housing-for-felons/

Free College Would Be A Disaster https://www.heritage.org/education/commentary/free-college-would-be-disaster-just-ask-europe (This article was apparently written to discourage socialism and most likely paid for by a private institutions.) If college was free it would be regulated by the states like public schools are now and have a standardized curriculum. Yes we would have to pay higher taxes but this would undoubtedly increase the amount of money people earned and the standard of living. The amount of educated workers would jump through the roof and propel our economy forward by leaps and bounds. Anything beyond an Associates degree would have to be financed like it is now privately through lenders in my plan. The demand for those higher levels of education would again sky rocket and therefor compound competition among students and prospective employers that are already seeking students with those degrees and skills sets and increase the amount of interns and students experience in their chosen fields. This would all snowball into a climax that put America back on top again and make us more completive globally.       

AR-15's You have the right to protect your self against attempts on your life and should be allowed to use deadly force if the other person is. The AR-15 is the most advanced rifle money can buy and affordable. However again I can't own one because I am a felon. I believe non-violent offenders should be able to own a gun regardless. I also believe  that all gun owners should have to pass a psychology evaluation and safety courses as well. I do not want to debate anyone on this issue because the NRA does a good job. https://www.nrafamily.org/articles/2019/12/11/7-things-you-didnt-know-about-the-ar-15/

Victim, Shooter Identified in rural-Delevan Confrontation https://www.pekintimes.com/news/20200227/victim-shooter-identifed-in-rural-delavan-fatal-confrontation

Body Cam Approved For Pekin Police https://week.com/2020/09/14/body-cams-approved-for-pekin-police-other-items-voted-on/

Polis Signs Bill Defelonizing Single Use Drug Possession https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/politics/polis-signs-bill-defelonizing-single-use-drug-possession-for-schedule-i-and-ii-substances

730 ILCS 166 Drug Court Treatment Act https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs3.asp?ActID=2014&ChapterID=55#:~:text=%22Pre%2Dadjudicatory%20drug%20court%20program,as%20part%20of%20the%20agreement.

Illinois Debt https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-05/illinois-delays-1-2-billion-debt-sale-after-yield-penalty-soars

CAT CEO Talks Leaving Illinois https://www.pantagraph.com/news/local/caterpillar-ceos-letter-talks-of-leaving-illinois/article_3c23590c-572a-11e0-afc0-001cc4c002e0.html

LaHood https://www.pjstar.com/story/news/coronavirus/2020/09/24/darin-lahood-introduces-plan-for-federal-loans-to-state-local-governments-but-exempts-illinois-from-/42829677/ There is no excuse to have a massive pension problem like we have. If we can not foot the bill changes need to be made now! Layoffs will just upset people. However as a Republican we are for SMALLER GOVERNMENT not more. If we had our way this problem would have never existed in the first place. 

District Representation from Mike Unes helped develop East Peoria however Pekin fell short on his to do list as it appears (not that he was awful or something.) I Can't wait for Mark Luft to step in. I'm anxious to see what happens next. He has done some great things as mayor in just a short time.

Tazewell County Budget https://www.tazewell.com/Finance/Audits.html

Auditor Suit https://www.pekintimes.com/news/20200529/tazewell-county-settles-suit-with-auditor

I think 105k is a bit much for one person to represent someone in court. I have no idea why the government agreed to the suit. We have bigger problems. I sure could use a 100k small business loan to create jobs. I have several small business plans and proof of concepts as well as some of my friends that would eventually lead to dozens of jobs for the county. 

Former Pekin Mayor Convicted Of Using City Credit Card To Fund Gambling Gets Hearing Before States High Court https://herald-review.com/news/state-and-regional/former-pekin-mayor-convicted-of-using-city-credit-card-to/article_fa9d21c0-78e1-5e22-a0ea-800fb78d412f.html The mayors office since this story came out in 2008 has really began to turn things around. Here are some highlights. Laurie Barra - First Female Mayor in Towns History. Mark Luft - Elected to Congress this last November. 

Cord Cutting https://www.wsj.com/articles/cord-cutting-accelerates-raising-pressure-on-cable-providers-11582149209#:~:text=Large%20cable%20and%20satellite%20companies%20lost%20about%205.5%20million%20traditional,3.2%20million%20subscribers%20in%202018.

Legal Transparency In Action:




Monday, December 14, 2020

11:11-Silent Dawn

 "If there is light in the soul there will be beauty in the person, if there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house, if there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation, if there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world." A Chinese Proverb

    As I look through my eyes at the world past my nose... I see people desperate for community. We have become fractured into all these separate little groups that divide us like poor, hungry, old, fat, rich, elite, republican, democrat, misogynist, sexist, male, African American, Asian, Jewish, White, Middle Eastern, Christian, Muslim, expletive, you name it. Just the act of labeling each other dooms us to failure from the start. We are all human at the end of the day and we are all flawed in our own separate ways. We each have a separate mind, body, and soul. That is what truly makes us all human and should unite us.

   Our souls seem broken as people and there for the soul of our country is also broken. However, I do see a glimmer of light in each and every person I've talked to recently. This glimmer of light is equal to untold amounts of untapt human potential. Which we can only realize when we have each others support and love for our selves.

    Think about your current home life situation. Does your family or loved ones really know you, love you, support you, appreciate you, no matter what? Even if and when you fall short of their personal goals and aspirations for you? They should. This is what we call unconditional love. This love should be extended in turn to our neighbors, then like minded citizens, and express it's self in concentric circles forever outwards like ripples in a pond. Changing our cities, counties, states, and country creating a new world in the process.

     A community is defined by Webster's as a group of people with common interests living in the same geographic area. Today that isn't quiet true. We have the internet and it can connect us all instantly. A community to me is a group that helps us become our authentic selves. It embraces us and our individuality, a place to share information, a place where we share and acquire knowledge, a place where we share and acquire wealth, a place where you feel less alone, a place you never want to leave, because you feel loved and home. A family. 

    I have recently asked all of you to begin a journey with me together. There is no hidden agenda here. I've been one hundred percent open, honest, and genuine, and I demand you are with me too. I will be calling our little social experiment silent dawn and it's soul purpose is to create a new world. One your very familiar with. Heaven. 

     I've asked everyone to reveal themselves to each other. Think of them as angels or allies. They will help you on your journey individually. Now you know your not alone. We do not need to be violent to get our points across or go out of our ways to get what we want. All you need to do is get engaged in the conversation, take action when necessary, and be mindful of the next opportunity arriving and knocking on your door. Focus on what you want, not what you don't want. I'll be right there with you in spirit. We all will. 11:11 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Occupy The Internet

     There are no crowds anymore. The stadiums are empty and full of cardboard people. The music has died down. There are just wandering minds listening, watching, waiting, and wanting more. There are endless amounts of people lost and alone out there that will do anything they are told to if the TV, newspaper, and the internet tell them to. Unfortunately for all of us this includes peers and relatives and maybe even you. 

    I want more for and from my brothers and sisters and know that if we are ever going to come together like John Lennon described as one people that time would be right now. A great awakening is some where on the horizon and I am eagerly watching every sunrise and sunset for it. This would be that feeling in the air many have tried to define before with buzz words like hope, change, and progress. Did these people deliver on their promises or present a simple action plan we can all try together? Fuck no! That's why I have.

    Where has our patriotism and team spirit gone? I believe it is still alive and well but currently only exists at home, in our schools, online, and in front of the boob tube. If I can't get you engaged enough to get off the couch then we need to occupy the internet. It is time for each thoughtful and concerned citizen to apply his or her own talents to solving problems in America together. We can't and shouldn't expect the government to.

     They have said true freedom and liberty begin with individuals on a local level. So lets take responsibility right now for ourselves, family, and humanity as a whole. Find or create one piece of content on or offline to share with your family, friends, and/or followers that will express your desires for our country and inspire immediate action on their parts. You must also tag at least one news paper, one news station, one state congressman, and one state senator as well as one associate or colleague. Then invite them to do the same. Any meaningful and lasting real change must first take place on a personal level and work it's way upward through local governments with help from neighbors and like minded citizens. Now it's your turn.

I nominate____________________ to take the content challenge. 

Andy Ray Uppole is an artist from Peoria, Illinois that specializes in audio and video production, graphic design, commercial art, and creative consulting. You can contact him by calling 209.509.4120 or email him at subversiondesignsolutions@gmail.com   

Monday, November 30, 2020

Anything Is Possible

    We are all products of the times we live in with our own unique personal perspectives that include variables like social status, wealth, spirituality, age, employment, status, and many other underlying factors. Our generations have shaped our thoughts and values. Much like our past. The time is right now to take today by the reigns so we can own tomorrow. We must say good bye to career politicians, over paid athletes, American idols, and celebrities and hello to real leaders, who are going to work for all of us by leading our communities to a brighter future now. Not sometime called tomorrow which as we all know it never comes.

    Look how far "they" have gotten us.  Majority of the over paid athletes aren't leading anyone off the field and get paid to do their jobs only a small percentage of the time. Those so called American idols want to you buy their products and whatever else it is they pedal, but decline to comment about any social issues or worse distract you from them yet at the sometime manage to get the youth to vote in larger numbers than the elections for some hopeful that will only end up owing money to record company they sign to if they win. Yep, that's a win win for all us Americans. Celebrities are just the same, but can even be more dangerous. Imagine someone not knowing the real person falls short at home of the heroic characters they portray is terrify to think about. I assure you this is actually a real problem. I feel the need to remind some of you out there they are actors, actresses, musicians, and artists who are all human. Finally we have the career politicians that only answer to their major donors and lobbyists, who are holding their asses accountable over ear marks. Who do all these people serve? I can't speak for anyone else but my self. (Author takes a deep breath.)

    When I reflect on life over the last two decades I see a post apocalyptic wasteland clinging to the 1990's, since then American citizens have become products of the margins in United States of America. We now mostly come from broken homes, HUD ghettos, trailer parks, food stamp lines, homelessness, shitty free preventative healthcare, and unionized unemployment lines that stretch for miles and look more like a funeral procession than progress. Society has been raped and completely stripped of any dignity, culture, and heritage; with it our sense of identity. Alcoholism, drug addiction, rape, suicide, murder, spousal abuse, and poverty can not be what continues to define us as Americans and I'm only referring to the "middle class" here, not the under privileged or any other group in America. I think I might start crying.

    In fact I started crying the moment I became a father. That's when everything hit me like a ton of bricks in a comic book. WAP! When I was a child my parents taught me that where we live if you work hard anything is possible and the bad guy always goes to jail. Not hero's like my dad, Martian Luther King Jr, and now even me. In all these instances a normal person would be amazed when they discover the causes behind the cases. America can't even police it self right; yet it loves to play murder tanks and airplanes with Gi Joe all over the world instead of focusing on it's citizens first in a positive light. We should be more like a massive Wayne Enterprises and Batman helping citizens to become prosperous, manage commerce (not the Federal Reserve), saving the day like the Red Cross, and the Salvation Army. 

    In order to do this we need to get back to our roots and find liberty's groove. We were founded by entrepreneurs (merchants), privateers (pirates), and revolutionaries (people fighting for freedom and seeking refuge in a new land far from persecution), then we need to cultivate people like that (us), try to achieve fiscal transparency, and a laundry list of things each party would love to see happen that is important. I'm sick of watching the news and reading the headlines in the papers. It seems to me like the 20-40 somethings and beyond are experiencing a disconnect and missing something. They aren't in touch with each other and are not addressing their congressmen or senators in writing, on or off line, or in person, and have become disenfranchised, because they are not voting in the primary elections if they bother to vote at all. Hell America's offices are open damn near 24/7 with the internet. There is no excuse for either side here.

    I've tested this theory my self with others with emails, Facebook, and Twitter in the process and managed to make a stand. If you try long and hard enough someone will listen and answer. We could have avoided this mess if people were out there reminding us to write our so called leaders instead having our pets spayed or neutered every morning. Go to their offices now, call them, write them, email them, tweet them, facebook them, and voice your opinions respectfully. If they don't listen then take them to town in public by peacefully assembling. If that doesn't work then we have major problems that no one person can address by themselves and solve. As long as we have people out there not serving the group also known as America we will never live the American dream or the other one we have all shared since Martian Luther King Jr. spoke of it during the civil rights movement. Now that sounds like a plan doesn't it?

Andy Ray Uppole is an artist from Peoria, Illinois that specializes in audio and video production, graphic design, commercial art, and creative consulting. You can contact him by calling 209.509.4120 or email him at subversiondesignsolutions@gmail.com       


Sunday, November 22, 2020

A Society At A Dead End

Give me your ears and let me commandeer your mind and then your heart. 

We all play a role in shaping events around us. Not everyone realizes this. My generation is now in a position to assume power and actually use our will to change the world. From this point forward we will influence the culture and it's policies together guiding it in a new positive direction. No more passive consumerism or oblivious citizenship. With the internet there is no excuse for ignorance and there is no room for intolerance. This is what has been dividing us. 

Barbara Ehreneich said in her 2001 book, Nickel and Dimed, "Everywhere you look, there is no alternative to mega scale corporate order from which every form of local creativity and initiative has been abolished by a distant home office. Even the woods and meadows have been stripped of disorderly life forms and forced into a uniform made of concrete. What you see - highways, parking lots, stores - is all there is, or all that's left to us here in the reign of globalized, totalized, paved over, corporate everything."

Did you know every dollar you spend is a vote of confidence in the company manufacturing or distributing the goods you buy from them? This is the essence of capitalism and not knowing this is called passive consumerism. Think about that the next time you buy anything. You aren't just buying a product. Your saying your ok what that company does. In fact each dollar represents a vote. This would be what they refer to as confidence on the news networks. Just ask Jim Cramer host of Mad Money on CNBC. 

Citizenship is a shadow of it's former self. As Americans we should be embarrassed of ourselves, especially when you reflect on the sacrifices men and women made when they founded our country. Rioting is going to solve absolutely nothing and will lead to more bullshit we all don't want. Civilized people are supposed to have healthy debates and open public conversations. "They" call this transparency. We should not wait until someone is murdered by the police to speak up or for someone else to take a stand. That mentality has lead us down this road. A society at a dead end. We should be seeking eternal national unity like George Washington wanted with no compromises.

Andy Ray Uppole is an artist from Peoria, Illinois that specializes in audio and video production, graphic design, commercial art, and creative consulting. You can contact him by calling 209.509.4120 or email him at subversiondesignsolutions@gmail.com

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Behind The Art With Subversion Design Solutions Marks A New Chapter

Behind The Art marks a new chapter in my life as an artist, human, teacher, minister, dad, business owner, consultant, and so many other titles the experts call them hats. So long to an era. I pledge to be what my dreams are made of. To be bold like a sharpie marker. The goal of this blog is to teach others, learn about humanity, the arts, science, and my self in the process.

Subversion Design Solutions makes visual and sonic creations that bring our clients ideas to life. We treat our clients as neighbors and strive to educate them instead of focusing on sales. We believe in a free and open society where every one succeeds, believes in them selves, has access to information, and people who will help get there.

Andy Ray Uppole is an artist from Peoria, Illinois that specializes in audio and video production, graphic design, commercial art, and creative consulting. You can contact him by calling 209.509.4120 or email him at subversiondesignsolutions@gmail.com