Monday, March 1, 2021

Absolute Concept Theory

 Absolute Concept Theory

    In philosophy Absolute Theory usually refers to a theory based on concepts such as the concept of space time that exists independently of other concepts and objects, but how do we arrive at a universal concept? This one question drove me to solve this problem and I found my answers in linguistics and the scientific method.

    Often times concepts are hard to define and understand and have a root in human language, both verbal and nonverbal. Research has been done to learn how the ability to understand has developed in the human species.

    When your a child external stimulus is absorbed using your five senses. This includes human speech in the form of words and gestures. Our brains are able to figure out which sounds are words and where there are breaks between words, general grammatical labels, and we are able to apply them without any real formal training and some how gain comprehension. Noam Chomsky has a theory based on this field of research.

    Chomsky's Linguistic Theory says that all languages contain similar structures and rules (a universal grammar) and the fact that children everywhere acquire language the same way, and without much effort seems to indicate that we were born wired with the basics already present in our brains. He has named this bio mechanism in our brains the Language Acquisition Device or LAD and believes this is what allows us to learn language. 

    Oxford defines language as the principle method of human communication, consisting of words used in a structured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture as well as a system of communication used by a country or community. This is where words come into play as they define concepts. What if there is not a word or a way to explain something? 

This is why I have developed a methodology to discover, define, and validate concepts much like the scientific method. It is called Absolute Concept Theory.

Terra Cognita: Thoughts of a New Earth

Terra Cognita: Thoughts of a New Earth 

Many people have said...

"It is the small everyday decisions you make everyday that shape our destinies..." 

"Control how you think, how you fell, and what you do..." 

"What you think is what you are..."

Remember that phrase you are what you eat? Lets keep going with this.

"All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world." - Buddah

"Tiny refinements made daily begin to create compounded enhancements at a level that most people never dream of." - Tony Robbins

    Whatever we are experiencing is an accumulation of all of our decisions we have made as individuals, as a family, as a society, as a species, as a country and so on. If we applied this to our species or our country as a whole this type of thinking, we could create a new world.

The Japanese have a word based on the idea of gradual improvements. This word is kaizen. It means, "Change for the better."

    Imagine the possibilities for our species if these principles and philosophies took hold in the hearts and minds of the worlds people. What would this new world look like? I believe if we all pitched in making simple improvements based on love, peace, and respect for one an other this new world would be utopian in nature and that the society that would arise out of this would be a self sustaining, an open system, and based on the very principles of the United States founding fathers. They are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    We would have a world that would become focused on intellectual pursuits only that provided free education through college, completely free state of the art healthcare, clothing, shelter, and food. It would be sustainable in every way. Physical labor would be a thing of the past. There would be no menial jobs, because most things that required manual labor would be automated. The idea of work would disappear. 

    There is no reason to wait. You can start thinking about and building a new earth right now just by improving your self and your relationships with other people. Speak out about the change you would like to see and stop focusing on what you don't want to see. Your the catalyst for change. 

Andy Ray Uppole is an artist from Peoria, Illinois that specializes in audio and video production, graphic design, commercial art, and creative consulting. You can contact him by 209-509-1420 or email him at

The 10 Paradoxical Commandments

The 10 Paradoxical Commandments 

*note* This list is actually taken from a book I took notes from a few years ago. I am sorry I do not recall the title of this book. I have read so many books over my life time they are all a blur me (well some). This is also no way to use a jump break as far as formatting goes. <3 Andy

  1. People are illogical, unreasonable, and self centered. Love them anyway.